One of the ways that hearing-instruments users can improve their ability to hear conversation in noisy environments is to select a hearing device with the widest possible bandwidth. This suggestion is based on the fact that the more high-frequency speech cues that are presented to hearing-impaired individuals, the better able they are to understand speech. It also helps to raise the amplification of low-frequency cues in this respect because inaudible low-frequency speech cues lead to decreased understanding of speech. In fact, a recent study showed that hearing-impaired listeners scored highest when outfitted with hearing instruments set to deliver the widest bandwidth. These results were found to hold true in both quirt and noisy environments.

Although more sophisticated and technologically advanced than ever before, today's hearing aids keep one simple goal in mind - to help the hearing impaired hear better! Hearing aids of today are getting smaller and smaller, but their benefits are getting bigger and broader.

P.S. There has been an increase in the available bandwidth of modern hearing instruments compared to those of 30 years ago.