To the approximately 25%
of people over the age of 65 in this country who experience it in some degree,
hearing loss is rather more than just a minor annoyance. According to a study
reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine, hearing loss causes, "marked
social, emotional, and communication difficulties - even in the cases of mild
to moderate loss." The report went on to say "hearing impairment is
related to both (impaired) cognition and depression."
The survey also indicated
that 80 percent of primary care physicians do not regularly screen older patients
for hearing loss. Thus, it is largely up to us to be aware of this potential problem
and act accordingly for our loved ones and ourselves.
If you have a hearing
loss, you are missing more than just the understanding of words. Hearing keeps
you in touch with the world, lets you respond to sound, and reassures you of changing
surroundings. After the age of 50, a regular hearing test should be considered
as important as a yearly physical checkup.
P.S. Hearing instruments
not only significantly help those with greater degrees of hearing loss, but can
do much to improve the quality of life for those with mild to moderate hearing