The chief attraction
of completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing instruments is that they are barely noticeable,
owing to the fact that they reside completely in the ear canal. Not only does
this positioning prove to be an attractive feature for those concerned with cosmetics,
but it also provides wearers with a hearing benefit.
The placement of the instrument's microphone within the entrance of the ear canal
most closely resembles the natural form and functioning of the ear's natural hearing
system. Thus, the outer ear (pinna) is left free to perform the function for which
nature designed it to gather sound waves and funnel them into the ear canal and
eardrum. As a result, CIC instruments enable users to better localize sounds.
You may know that
you need a hearing aid, but you probably aren't aware of the many kinds available.
It takes the knowledge and experience of a hearing aid specialist to evaluate
your hearing loss, then math your individual needs with exactly the appropriate
P.S. Enhanced sound
localization plays a role in better speech discrimination.